Marketing Campaigns Workflow
The marketing campaign workflow reflects the different stages in the development or life cycle of a campaign from its initial creation to its archival when it expires.
There are two roles that manage the campaign workflow:
• | Campaign Coordinator: grants permissions to create campaigns, modify unpublished campaigns and submit campaigns for approval. These users can also view the marketing segments. |
Marketing Administrator: grants full access to the Marketing application, in addition to the necessary permissions to access the Marketing Administration tab. The Marketing Administrator can view, edit or create campaign types and set other configurations such as order level discount distribution and product picker mode.
The workflow for the development of marketing campaigns is driven by the following elements:
• | Start/End Date and Time – Compared to the current date and time to determine if the campaign is in one of the following three categories: |
• | Current - Indicates that the current date and time is between the Start date and the End date of the campaign. |
• | Future - Indicates that the current date and time is before the Start date and time of the campaign. |
• | Past - Indicates that the current date is after the End date of the campaign. |
• | Status - Reflects the stages within the workflow. Possible statuses are Draft, Pending Approval, Rejected, Ready, Live, Paused, and Archived. |
• | Action - Any action taken on the campaign by a user. Possible actions are Copy, Edit, Submit, Reject, Publish, Restart, Pause, and Cancel. |
The following table describes the changes in the status of the campaign that occur when a user takes specific actions.
Campaign Status |
User Action |
Next Status |
Draft |
Copy |
Draft |
Draft |
Edit |
Draft |
Draft |
Cancel |
Archived |
Draft |
Submit |
Pending Approval |
Pending Approval |
Cancel |
Archived |
Pending Approval |
Copy |
Draft |
Pending Approval |
Edit |
Draft |
Pending Approval |
Reject |
Rejected |
Pending Approval |
Publish |
Ready |
Rejected |
Copy |
Draft |
Rejected |
Edit |
Draft |
Rejected |
Submit |
Pending Approval |
Rejected |
Publish |
Ready |
Rejected |
Cancel |
Archived |
Ready |
Cancel |
Archived |
Ready |
Copy |
Draft |
Ready |
Edit |
Draft |
Live |
Copy |
Draft |
Live |
Pause |
Paused |
Paused |
Restart |
Live |
Paused |
Copy |
Draft |
Paused |
Edit |
Draft |
Paused |
Cancel |
Archived |
Archived |
Copy |
Draft |