Attribute Details Panel

Use the Attribute Details panel to view and edit the properties of attributes.

Accessing the Attribute Details panel:

1. In any attribute listing, double-click an attribute.
2. The Attribute Details panel slides open.

The Attribute Details panel consists of the following tabs:

Display Names Tab

The Display Names tab is displayed by default when you open the Attribute Details panel. Use this tab to specify the description of the attribute and also to specify the display names of the attribute in the supported languages.
The Display Names tab contains the following commands and controls.




Displays the name of the attribute.


Enter a description for the attribute.

Display Names

Specify display names for each of the supported languages.


Indicates which of the supported languages is the default system language.

Value list

Expands to display all of the supported languages of the system.

Language drop-down

Select a specific supported language to display.

For more information about Language Cultures, see Controlling Language Cultures.

Settings Tab

Use the Settings tab to edit the properties that control the behavior of this attribute. The contents of this tab vary depending on the type of the attribute as indicated by the value of the Type parameter. TheGeneral settings described below are displayed for all types of Attributes.




Specify which Attribute Group the attribute will be in.

Is Required

Specifies whether or not the attribute will be mandatory.
This setting does not apply to the Yes/No Choice type attributes.

Assign to All Product Definitions

Specifies whether or not the attribute will be assigned to all product definitions. Choose either Yes or No.

Assign to All Category Definitions

Specifies whether or not the attribute will be assigned to all category definitions. Choose either Yes or No.

Assign to All Variant Definitions

Specifies whether or not the attribute will be assigned to all variant definitions.
Choose either Yes or No.


Specifies the type of the attribute.

Note: The settings and options displayed below Type can vary depending on the type of attribute.

Hide this attribute in the Orchestration Console

Specifies whether or not to hide the attribute in the Orchestration Console.

For more information about the other commands and controls contained in this tab and their related tasks, see Attribute Type Settings.