Create an Attribute Group Lightbox

Use the Create an Attribute Group lightbox to create new attribute groups.

Accessing the Create an Attribute Group lightbox:

1. In the Navigation panel, clickAttribute Groups.

A listing of all the available attribute groups is displayed.

2. In the Details panel toolbar click  Add.

The Create an Attribute Group lightbox is displayed.

The Create an Attribute Group lightbox contains the following controls and commands:




Specify the name of the attribute group.


Enter a description for the attribute group.

Sort Order

Specify the order in which the attribute groups are displayed on the Custom Attributes tab of a product or profile details panel (or in the Category Attributes tab of the Category Details panel. Enter an integer value. The attribute groups are displayed in the order of the numbers specified. If two or more groups are assigned the same number, they will be displayed in alphabetic order.

Display Name section

Specify display names for the attribute group in each of the supported languages.


Specify the display name for attribute group in the default language of the system.

Value list

Expands to display the display names associated with the supported languages of the system.

Language drop-down

Select a specific supported language and display or modify the

For more information, see Controlling Language Cultures.


Create Profile Attribute Groups