Create a Profile Attribute Lightbox

Use the Create a Profile Attribute lightbox to create new profile attributes.

Accessing the Create a Profile Attribute lightbox:

1. In the Navigation panel select a profile.
2. Select the Custom Attributes tab.
3. In the details panel toolbar click  Add Custom Attribute.

The Create a Profile Attribute lightbox consists of the following tabs:

Display Names Tab (Step 1)

Use the Display Names tab to specify the name, display names, and description of the attribute.

The Display Names tab contains the following commands and controls.




Specifies the name of the attribute.

Note: Attribute names must be unique.


Enter a description of the attribute.

Display Name section

Specify display names for each of the supported languages.


Indicates which of the supported languages is the default system language.

Value list

Expands to display all of the supported system languages.

Language drop-down

Select a specific supported language to display.

Continue to Step 2 button

Displays the Step 2: Type tab of the lightbox.

For more information about Language Cultures, see Controlling Language Cultures.

Type Tab (Step 2)

Use the Type tab to specify the type of attribute and its settings.

The Type tab contains the following commands and controls.




Specifies the general category into which the attribute fits. Possible values include the following:

Base - Includes the basic set of attribute types.
Lookup - Includes any lookups that have been defined.
Profile Reference - Includes any profiles that you can link to the current profile. This option is only available from the Create a Profile Attribute lightbox.


Specifies the type of attribute within the category.


Specify the settings for the type of attribute that you choose. The settings available vary depending on the type of attribute specified. For more details about the available settings, see Attribute Type Settings.

Back to Step 1

Displays the Step 1: Display Names tab.


Creating Profile Attributes