Edit Store List Lightbox

Use the Edit Store List lightbox to view and update the list of stores associated with a customer.

Accessing the Edit Store List lightbox:

You can access the Edit Store List lightbox from the Customer Details panel.

1. Use the Scope Selector to select the relevant scope.
2. In the Navigation panel, select Customers.
3. Use the Customers Filter to filter the customers listing.
4. Double-click the customer that you want.

The Customer Details panel slides open.

5. In the Customer Details panel, select the Stores tab.
6. In the panel toolbar, click Edit.
7. Click the Edit Stores icon in the lower right corner of the Customer Details panel.

The Edit Store List lightbox is displayed.

The Edit Store List lightbox contains the following controls and commands:




Displays the name of the customer.


Displays the email address of the customer.

Current Scope

Displays the currently selected scope.

Search column

Displays the Find field and predefined filters that you can use to search for specific stores..

Find field

Enter search text to find specific stores.

Stores display column

Displays all the stores that match the Search criteria. By default, all of the stores in the system are displayed.

Sort by drop-down

Specify the display order of the stores in the selected category.

Selected stores panel

Displays the list of stores that have been associated to the customer.

Select All button

Selects all the stores in the Selected stores panel.

Remove Selected Items button

Removes the selected stores from the Selected stores panel.


Modify Customer Details