Item Details Panel

Use the Item Details panel to view details about the line items in an order while modifying that order with the Order Modification lightbox. You can also change the variant of the product in an order. For example, changing the size or color of a t-shirt ordered.

Accessing the Item Details panel:

1. Find and double-click the order that you want.
2. In the Details panel toolbar, click Edit.
3. Select the Items tab.
4. Double-click the item that you want information about.

The Item Details panel consists of the following tabs:

Products Tab

The Products tab is displayed by default when you open the Line Item Details panel. You can use the Product tab to view the details of the Product's Base Attributes tab.

The Products tab contains the following controls and commands:



Product name

Displays the name of the product in the line item.

Product ID

Displays the product ID of the line item.


Displays the SKU of the product in the line item.


Displays the description of the product in the line item.

Custom Attributes section

Displays the product attributes, as defined in the product definition.

Categorize view button

Displays the attributes in groups by category.

Alphabetic view button

Displays the attributes in alphabetic order

For more information, see Controlling Attribute Views, Order Modification Lightbox and Order Details Panel.

Attributes Tab

You can use the Attributes tab to customize certain customizable attributes for the item for the order.

The Attributes tab contains the following controls and commands:



Product name

Displays the name of the product in the line item.

Product ID

Displays the name of the product in the line item.

Product ID

Displays the product ID of the line item.


Displays the description of the product in the line item.

Custom Attributes section

Displays the product attributes, as defined in the product definition.

Categorize view button

Displays the attributes in groups by category.

Alphabetic view button

Displays the attributes in alphabetic order

For more information, see Controlling Attribute Views

Variants Tab

The Variants tab is only displayed when the selected line item has variants defined.

You can use the Variants tab to change the selected variant of the product in the line item.

The Variants tab contains the following controls and commands:



Variant ID

Displays the ID of the product variants.


Displays the Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) of the product variant in the line item.


Displays the price of the product variants.

Note: If the current price is of type discount and is less than the regular price, the regular price is displayed with a strike through along with the current price.

Variant attribute columns

Displays the variant attributes defined for the product in the line item.

For more information, see Changing the selected Product Variant in a Line Item.

Prices Tab

You can use the Prices tab to view the pricing details that apply to a line item.

The Prices tab contains the following controls and commands:



Summary section

Displays the line item from the current order.


Displays the Product Name and ID and , if applicable, the Variant ID of the line item.


Displays the list price and, if applicable, the sale price of the line item.

Note: If the current price is of type discount and is less than the regular price, the regular price is displayed with a strike through along with the current price.


Displays the quantity of the line item being ordered.

Discount & Coupons

Displays the sum of all discounts and coupons applied to the line item.


Displays the final price of the line item after all discounts and coupons have been applied.

Discounts section

Displays any discounts applied to the line item in the current order.


Displays the name of the Promotion and the Campaign to which the applied discount is associated.


Displays the dollar amount of the applied discount.

Coupons section

Displays any coupons used for the line item discounts applied to the line item in the current order.


Displays the name of the Promotion and the Campaign to which the applied coupon is associated.


Displays the dollar amount of the applied coupon.

Inventory Tab

You can use the Inventory tab to track the availability of an item by fulfillment location.

The Inventory tab accessed from a line item record in a cart has two sections:

Selected Fulfillment Location - Contains information about the availability of the item at the order location.
Eligible Fulfillment locations - Lists where the item is available. The same detail information is provided for both locations.

The Inventory tab contains the following controls and commands:



Panel heading

Name and ID of the line item

Selected Fulfillment Location

Groups information about the item's availability in the order location.

Eligible Fulfillment Locations

Groups a list of locations where the item is available.

Location information

For both sections, these column headings list the following general information about the location(s).

Fulfillment Location

Icon, number, and name of the location. The "icon" represents the location type. In the inventory location section, click this heading to sort the list by location.


The order location type. For example, a store.

Available to Promise

The quantity of items that are available to promise at the location. In the Fulfillment location section, click this heading to sort the list by quantity, the default.

Note: The Available to Promise stock level is calculated as follows: Quantity (Supply) - Reserved - Safety Stock (threshold).

Reserved in this Order

The quantity of reserved items at the location. In the inventory location section, click this heading to sort by reserved quantity.


The status of the item (values are In Stock, Out-of-Stock, Discontinued, Back Order). In the inventory location section, click the Status heading to sort by status.

icon (location details)

Click the icon beside any location to expand the product stock information for the location.


View the item's schedules and schedule status for the associated date range (From Date - To Date). Click From Date to sort the schedules by date. By default, the list is sorted by From Date and Status.


View the status of any back orders (if back order option is available) for this product.

Backorderable - The quantity of items that are available for back order.

Backordered - The quantity of back order items that are reserved.

Backorder Limit - The maximum number of products that can be taken from the back order inventory.

True - The product is available for Back Order.

False - The product is not available for Back Order.

Note: The Backorders fields are set in the API by an Inventory Manager.

Backorders status is only available when the Back Order option has been checked in the Inventory statuses considered as available to sell section of the System Configuration tab in the Product Information Administration page.


View the status (Preorderable), Preordered, Preorder Limit) of any preorders (if preordering is available) for this item. 

Stock Details

View stock information (Quantity, Reserved, Safety Stock, Reorder Point, Last Restocked (date and time), Last Restocked By).

Note: Safety Stock is set in the API by an Inventory Manager.


Order Modification Lightbox
Manage Orders