Request Shipment Status Change Dialog

Use the Request Shipment Status Change dialogto manually change the status of a shipment.

Accessing the Shipment Status Change dialog:

1. Use the Scope Selector to select the Scope you want.
2. Filter the list as necessary.
3. Double-click the order that you want to view.

The Order Details panel is displayed with the Items tab open. You can see the Shipment Status on the right side of the Shipment headers.

4. In the Details panel toolbar click the   Shipment Status Change button.

The Request Shipment Status Change dialog appears.

The Request Shipment Status Change dialog contains the following controls and commands:




You are about to change the shipment status "XXXX" for Order # YYYY.


Displays shipment number, Fulfillment type, and Total.


List of possible statuses of the shipment (On Hold, Canceled, Ready, and so on). 


List of possible reasons for changing the status (Business Model dependent).


Text entry box. Enter your reason for putting a hold on the order.


Modify the Status of a Shipment