Configuring Email Notifications for Price Updates by Batch

The export or import process typically finishes very quickly, but you may be required to notify your manager and/or colleagues whenever this type of task is performed. If you have configured email notifications for batch product exports and price imports, the system will send confirmation emails each time one of these tasks is completed. This feature must be configured in the Product Management.

Configuring Email Notifications for Price Updates by Batch

1. Click Configuration in the navigation panel on the left.
2. Click the Custom Configurations tab.
3. Click Add in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

The Add New Configuration dialog box is displayed.

4. In the Name field, enter the name of the scope you wish to receive notifications for, immediately followed by ProductDataExchangeNotificationsEmails, without spaces. For example, if your scope's name was Better Retail Canada, you would enter BetterRetailCanadaProductDataExchangeNotificationsEmails in this field.
5. Click Ok.

A single, empty configuration is provided as an example: GlobalProductDataExchangeNotificationsEmails. If one or more email addresses are entered in this configuration, emails will be sent to them when products are exported or prices are imported at the Global scope level.

6. In the text box, enter the list of email addresses you wish to notify, separated by semi-colons (;).

Every email address entered here receives a notification following every single export or import.

If no configuration has been created at the Dependent scope level but the parent Sales scope has been configured, email addresses identified in the Sales scope's configuration will be notified when exports or imports are completed at the Dependent scope level.

7. Click Save in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Notification email contents are provided by default and are editable in Settings > Administration > Email templates. The templates are ProductPriceExportTaskCompleted and ProductPriceImportTaskCompleted. For more information on email templates, see Managing Email Templates.


Managing Price Updates by Batch