About Destination Notifications
When customizing stores and warehouses, you can set notifications triggered by certain events in Orckestra Commerce Cloud. For example, you can be notified when orders assigned to your location are about to expire. These are called Destination Emails and are used for internal audiences: your store management team, specific employees or multiple employees can be notified when events are triggered in the platform.
Note: Destination email fields support multiple email and mailing list email addresses, however, they must be separated by semi-colons (;)
Figure 1 - Email Destination attributes configuration
Destination emails List
Note: Only destination emails appended to the routing model configured to your location will be listed in the location's Custom Attributes tab. Refer to the Routing Model Configuration column to identify them.
Event Name |
Event Type |
Description |
Routing Model Configuration |
BOPISShipmentAcceptedEvent | Pickup in store - Shipment Accepted | Notification email sent to designated team of employees for shipment accepted with BOPIS provider | BOPIS |
BOPISShipmentAssignedEvent | Pickup in store - Shipment Assigned | Notification email sent to designated team of employees for shipment assigned with BOPIS provider | BOPIS |
BOPISShipmentCanceledEvent | Pickup in store - Canceled | Notification email sent to designated team of employees for shipment canceled with BOPIS provider | BOPIS |
BOPISShipmentDeclinedEvent | Pickup in store - Shipment Declined | Notification email sent to designated team of employees for shipment declined with BOPIS provider | BOPIS |
BOPISShipmentExpiredEvent | Pickup in store - Shipment Expired | Notification email sent to designated team of employees for shipment expired with BOPIS provider | BOPIS |
BOPISShipmentPickupCompleteEvent | Pickup in store - Pickup Complete | Notification email sent to designated team of employees for shipment pickup complete with BOPIS provider | BOPIS |
BOPISShipmentReadyForPickupEvent | Pickup in store - Ready for Pickup | Notification email sent to designated team of employees for shipment ready for pickup with BOPIS provider | BOPIS |
BOPISShipmentRejectedEvent | Pickup in store - Shipment Rejected | Notification email sent to designated team of employees for shipment rejected with BOPIS provider | BOPIS |
BOPISShipmentSLANearingExpiryEvent | Pickup in store - Shipment Nearing Expiry | Notification email sent to designated team of employees for shipment nearing to expiry with BOPIS provider | BOPIS |
BOPISShipmentTransferCompleteEvent | Pickup in store - Shipment Transfer Complete | Notification email sent to designated team of employees for shipment shipping complete with BOPIS provider | BOPIS |
FulfillmentCompetitionStatusOffered | Shipment Offered | Notification email sent to designated team of employees for shipment offered | Competition |
FulfillmentCompetitionStatusSeized | Shipment Seized | Notification email sent to designated team of employees for shipment seized | Competition |
ShipFromStoreShipmentAcceptedEvent | Ship from store - Shipment Accepted | Notification email sent to designated team of employees for shipment accepted with ship from store provider | Competition |
ShipFromStoreShipmentAssignedEvent | Ship from store - Shipment Assigned | Notification email sent to designated team of employees for shipment assigned with ship from store provider | Ship from store |
ShipFromStoreShipmentCanceledEvent | Ship from store - Shipment Canceled | Notification email sent to designated team of employees for shipment canceled with ship from store provider | Ship from store |
ShipFromStoreShipmentCanceledEventForCust | Ship from store - Shipment Canceled | Notification email sent to designated team of employees for shipment canceled with ship from store provider | Ship from store |
ShipFromStoreShipmentDeclinedEvent | Ship from store - Shipment Declined | Notification email sent to designated team of employees for shipment declined with ship from store provider | Ship from store |
ShipFromStoreShipmentExpiredEvent | Ship from store - Shipment Expired | Notification email sent to designated team of employees for shipment expired with ship from store provider | Ship from store |
ShipFromStoreShipmentRejectedEvent | Ship from store - Shipment Rejected | Notification email sent to designated team of employees for shipment rejected with ship from store provider | Ship from store |
ShipFromStoreShipmentShippingCompleteEvent | Ship from store - Shipment Shipping Complete | Notification email sent to designated team of employees for shipment shipping complete with ship from store provider | Ship from store |
ShipFromStoreShipmentSLANearingExpiryEvent | Ship from store - Shipment Nearing Expiry | Notification email sent to designated team of employees for shipment nearing expiry with ship from store provider | Ship from store |
• | Managing Locations |
• | Modifying Locations |