Filter Shipments
You can apply one or more filters to a list of Shipments to identify shipments that need attention, to speed up searches, to reduce the number of shipments in the list, or to view a list of shipments by fulfillment location or based on fulfillment date, status, fulfillment type, or by shipments requiring attention.
When any shipment requires attention, regardless of whether any filters are selected, a needs attention
flag appears at the top right of the screen and the following message is displayed: There are shipments requiring attention.
In the My Location list box, select a Store or Warehouse to filter by location. |
When the location has been selected, the local time and time zone of the selected location (store or warehouse) are displayed under the location. |
Shipments that are prepared and picked up at the same selected location are highlighted by a star in the shipment list. |
When no location is selected, the following message is displayed: To view the shipments to prepare, select your location. |
When no shipments are found, the following message is displayed: There are no shipments to display. |
The system notifies you when the shipment data for the current filtering criteria is out of date, by displaying a message at the top right of the shipments list in the following format: nn new shipments match your filtering criteria
The message will be displayed until the list is refreshed.
OPTIONAL: Click refresh to update the shipment data. |
In the Fulfillment Date section, select one of the following: |
Any Time: Lists all Shipments to Prepare in the system that correspond to the filtering criteria. |
Today: The default. Lists all Shipments to Prepare in the current day that correspond to the filtering criteria. |
The last option offers from and to calendar pickers to select a list of Shipments to Prepare between the selected days and that correspond to the filtering criteria. |
In the Shipment Status list box, select a status option to filter by shipment status. The filter options are: Show All, Ready, New, Error, Late for fulfillment, On Hold, Fulfilled, Pending, and Canceled. The shipment status options that are available can vary depending on the shipment statuses that are defined in your workflow. |
In the Fulfillment Type list box, select a fulfillment option to filter by fulfillment type. The filter options are: Show All, Pick-Up, Delivery, and Shipping. The fulfillment type options that are available can vary depending on the fulfillment types available in the selected scope. |
In the Shipments requiring attention section, select the Filter flagged shipments (nn) check box to filter shipments that are flagged as requiring attention. The Shipments requiring attention section is only visible when one or more shipments has an issue. |
The number of flagged shipments is the number of shipments that have been flagged and match the selected filter values. |
When you change the filter values, the number of Filter flagged shipments (nn) is updated in line with the filtered results. |
The nn total is the number of shipments that have been flagged regardless of the filter values. |
Click the nn total link, to list all the shipments that require attention. |
Click the needs attention flag next to a shipment to display the list of errors that have occurred for that shipment. The needs attention flag is particularly useful for helping you identify which shipments are late, or need attention because of processing messages, validation failures, or other critical issues that could block the shipments processing. |
OPTIONAL: You can also sort the Shipments to Prepare list by using the Sort by: option. The sort by options are: Fulfillment date & time, Order number, or Customer name. |