Save a Payment Method

You can save your Payment Method preferences. This is particularly useful when you want to save payment details in your customer record for future use.

The Moneris® payment provider does not save payment methods by default. However, theNETBANX® by Optimal Payments provider saves payment methods by default.

Saving a Payment Method:

You can store your card details for future use when creating an order and completing payment provider details, or when adding a card payment to an order.

1. Double-click an Order from the Orders list.
2. Click the Payment tab.
3. Click Edit.
4. Click the Payment section in the Navigation panel.
5. Select a Payment Provider from the list of supported providers.
6. Select a Payment Option from the list of options for the selected provider.
7. Click the Enter Payment Information button

A secure payment dialog opens containing controls and commands to capture the required information for the selected Payment provider.

a. Fill in the payment information as required by the Payment provider. For more information, see Payment Workflow.
b. Select Store my details for future use check box in the Payment Provider dialog.

Depending on the payment provider, you can select Store my details for future use check box to save the card payment information. This information is stored in the Customer Record Profile, under the Saved Payments tab.

The Store my details for future use check box is only available if the customer is registered. If the card verification is successful, the card payment details are stored in the customer record under the Saved Payments tab.

c. OPTIONAL: Select I accept the terms and conditions if required by the payment provider.
d. Confirm or submit the Payment or Payment Details as required by the payment provider.
8. OPTIONAL: You can open the Saved Payments tab from the customer record to validate that the credit card payment method was successfully saved.


Payment Workflow
Managing Payments
View Payment Information
Order Modification Lightbox