Filtering and Searching Locations

You can narrow down a locations list to pinpoint a particular one by applying one or more search filters to it. You can use one or a combination of filters that include Status, Location Type and Location Class. You can also narrow down a locations list by entering specific criteria in the search field.

For example, you can query a list of Locations by applying the following filters: Show All (Status Filter), Warehouse (Location Type Filter) and Physical (Location Class Filter).

1. Starting from the Location tab, click the funnel icon.

This will bring up the filtering categories dropdown menus.

If necessary, click the Status dropdown menu to select a status option. The options are: Show All, Active, or Inactive.
If necessary, click the Location Type dropdown menu to select a location type. The options are: Show All, Store, or Warehouse
If necessary, click the Location Class dropdown menu to select a status option. The options are: Show All, Physical, or Virtual

The page will automatically refresh when one or any combination of the above filters is employed.

Figure 1 - The filter options by class for the Locations tab

You can also narrow down a locations list by entering specific criteria in the search field.

1. Click the Name drop-down menu and select Name, Email, Phone or All Criteria.
2. Enter the Location Name or Email or Phone in the search field.
3. Click the Magnifying Glass icon.

The page will refresh with Locations that correspond to the selected criteria.

Figure 2 - Filter options by specific criteria for the Locations tab


Managing Locations
Modifying Locations