Modifying Categories

Modifying a category includes the following tasks:

Modifying the values of the category attributes such as the Display Name and Description.
Defining merchandising relationships to other products and categories.

Merchandising consists of creating associations between products and/or categories in order to enhance sales. Merchandising uses the MerchandiseType Lookup as defined by the Administrator. For more specifics see Managing Lookups. For example, MerchandiseType could include Accessories, Bundled Items, Replacement part or Cross- and Up-Sell options.

In Orckestra Commerce Cloud, products can be added to category using the multi-selection options.

Tip: while modifying a category, you cannot navigate away from the Category Details panel unless you either save or discard your changes.

Editing the category attributes

1. In the Category Tree, click the menu options next to the category name.

Figure 1 - Category options

2. Click Edit Category.
3. Make the required changes.
4. Click Save.

Note: The Category ID and Definition Name are set when the category is created and cannot be modified.


Associating Products to Categories
Managing Categories
Product selection methods
Creating a relationship involving categories