Creating a Sales Scope

To create a Sales Scope in the Commerce Modeler, first select the Global Scope. Remember, you are only able to create a Sales Scope as a child of the Global Scope or a Virtual Scope that itself is a child of the Global.

1. Click the globe icon to select the Global Scope.
3. Click the ellipses ( ... ).
4. Click Add Sales Scope.

Figure 1 - Adding a Sales Scope button

5. In the topmost box give your new Sales Scope a name.

Figure 2 - Sales Scope information page

6. In the middle box you can put a display name for the scope within the Commerce Modeler.

Note: Underneath this text box is an option called Show more languages. By selecting this you're able to put the scope's name in whichever languages you support.

7. The bottom box allows you to put a description of what your new Sales Scope is and/or contains.

Note: Underneath this text box is an option called Show more languages. By selecting this you're able to describe the scope in whichever languages you support.

8. Your final customization option is the drop-down menu where you will choose which currency your Sales Scope and all its dependents will operate in.
9. Click Save.

Figure 3 - The Commerce Modeler and Sales Scope information page


Modifying Scopes