Create a Lookup Lightbox

Use the Create a Lookup lightbox to create new lookups.

Accessing the Lookup lightbox:

1. In the Navigation Panel select Lookups.
2. Click Add.

The Create a Lookup Lightbox is displayed.

The Create a Lookup lightbox consists of the following tabs:

Display Names Tab

Use the Display Names tab to specify the name, description, and display names for the lookup.

The Display Names tab contains the following controls and commands:




Specifies the name of the lookup.


Enter a description for the lookup.

Display Names

Specify display names for the lookup in each of the supported languages.


Indicates which of the supported languages is the default language of the system.


Expands to display all of the supported languages of the system.

Language drop-down

(Drop-down). Allows you to display a specific supported language.

Continue to Step 2 button

Displays the Step 2: Settings tab.

For more information about Languages, see Controlling Language Cultures.

Settings Tab

Use the Settings tab to specify the values associated with the lookup.

The Settings tab contains the following controls and commands:





Value Name

Specifies the name of the lookup value. This name must be unique amongst the values for this lookup.


Sort Order

Specifies the order in which the values are displayed when the lookup is used as an attribute. Each new value is given an incremental sort order by default. However, you can give each value the same sort order. In this case, the display order is undefined.


Display Names

Specify display names for the value in each of the supported languages.



Indicates which of the supported languages is the default language of the system.



Expands to display all of the supported languages of the system.

Language drop-down

(Drop-down). Allows you to display a specific supported language.


Displays all of the supported languages of the system and allows you to specify the corresponding display names for the value.


Delete button

Deletes the corresponding lookup value.

Note: You need to have at least one value in your lookup.

Add icon

Adds new values to the lookup.


Back to Step 1 button

Displays the Step 1: Display Names tab.


Creating Lookups
Modifying Lookups