Edit Content Dialog

Use the Edit Content dialog to format either your product descriptions or email templates (HTML Body).

Accessing the Edit Content dialog from the Product Details panel:

1. Using the Scope Selector, select a Scope.
2. Search the product to update.
3. From the Product Details panel toolbar, click   Edit.
4. Click the Edit Description button.

Accessing the Edit Content dialog box from the Email Templates Details panel:

1. In the navigation menu, select Email Templates.
2. Using the Scope Selector, select a Scope.
3. Double-click to select an email template from the Email Templates list.
4. From the Email Templates Details panel toolbar, click   Edit.
5. Click the  Edit HTML button.

The Edit Content dialog consists of a toolbar, which contains typical text editing or HTML editing and formatting tools, and an editing box, which depending on the task that you are performing can contain either your product description or your email templates (HTML Body).


Modifying Email Templates