Customer Details Panel

Use the Customer Details panel to view and edit customer details.

Accessing the Customer Details panel:

1. Use the Scope Selector to select the relevant scope.
2. In the Navigation panel, select Customers.
3. Use the Customers Filter to filter the customers listing.
4. Double-click the customer that you want.

The Customer Details panel slides open.

The Customer table lists all selected Customers by Name, Email, Last Login, Date Registered, and Phone Number. Select a Customer record in the list to open the Customer Description panel which contains all the details for that Customer.

The Customer Details panel includes the following tabs:

Account Tab

The Account tab is displayed by default when you open the Customer Details panel. You can view and modify some of the default attributes of a customer account.

The Account tab includes the following fields and controls:





Specifies the email address for the customer.

Last Name

Specifies the last name of the customer

First Name

Specifies the first name for the customer.


Specifies the primary phone number and extension, if any, for the customer.


Specifies the mobile phone number for the customer.


Specifies the phone number at work with extension, if any, for the customer.


Specifies the Fax number with extension, if any, for the customer.

Account Type

Indicates if the customer has a login account on the website (Registered User) or not (Unregistered User).

Preferred Language

Select a preferred language to use with this customer.


Specifies the user name for the customer. By default, the email address is used.

Registration Date

Displays the date and time when the customer was created.

Account Status

Displays whether the account is Active or Inactive.

Last Activity

Displays the date and time of the last customer activity.

Last Login

Displays the date and time that the customer last logged in.

Last Password Change

Displays the date and time that the customer's password was last changed.

Reset Password button

Launches the New Password dialog box to send email to customer with a link, or change the password on Orchestration Console.

Account is locked until

Indicates that the customer account is Locked for a specified period of time. The account is locked after a specified number of login attempts or password resets have occurred in a specified period of time.

Note: The time that the account is locked until is displayed.

Unlock button

When clicked the customers account is unlocked immediately.

For more information about Language Cultures, see Controlling Language Cultures.

For more information about resetting the customer's password, see Reset a Customer Password

Attributes Tab

In the Customer Details panel, the Attributes tab contains a properties grid that displays and allows you to edit any custom attributes.

The Attributes tab contains the following controls and commands:



Categorize view button

Displays the attributes in groups by category.

Alphabetic view button

Displays the attributes in alphabetic order.

Search Filter field

Filters the list of attributes based on the text entered.

For more information, see Controlling Attribute Views

Addresses Tab

Use the Addresses tab to manage the addresses associated with a customer. You can add, remove and edit addresses on this tab. You can also specify the preferred shipping and billing addresses.

The Addresses tab contains the following commands and controls:



Name column

Displays the name of the address.

Address column

Displays the full address.

Contact column

Displays the contact information for the contact person.

Preferred Billing

Indicates that the address is the customer's preferred billing address.

Preferred Shipping

Indicates that the address is the customer's preferred shipping address.

Delete Address icon

Allows you to delete the selected address.

Add Address icon

Launches the Edit Address lightbox to allow you to associate a new address to the customer.

Edit Address icon

Launches the Edit Address lightbox to allow you to edit the selected address.

Organizations Tab

An Organization represents a group of Customers linked for a particular purpose. For example, a business, a society, an association, or organizations. Organizations can be used to meet the clients business requirements, or for targeting purposes.

The Organizations tab contains the following controls and commands:



Name column

Displays the name of the address.

Address column

Displays the full address.

Contact column

Displays the contact information for the contact organization.

Manager column

Display the name of the manager of this organization.

Edit Organization icon

Launches the Edit Organization lightbox to allow you to associate an Organization with the customer.

For more information about associating a customer with an organization, see Associating an Organization with a Customer.

Stores Tab

Use the stores tab to view and modify the list of stores that are associated with a customer. You can also specify the customer's preferred store.

The Stores tab contains the following controls and commands:



Name column

Indicates the name of the store.

Address column

Indicates the address of the store.

Phone column

Indicates the telephone number of the store.


Indicates whether or not the store is active.


Allows you to specify the customer's preferred store.

For more information about Store associations, see Associating a Store with a Customer ,Removing a Store and Set the Customer's Preferred Store.

Orders Tab

Use the Orders tab to view the customer's order history as well as the status of each order.

The Orders tab contains the following controls and commands:



Number column

Indicates the order number.

Date column

Indicates the date the order was placed.

Status column

Indicates the status of the order (the order's lifecycle: New > Pending Process > InProgress).

Value column

Indicates the value of the order.

Ship To column

Indicates the shipping address used for the order.

For more information about Orders, see Copying an Order from a Customer Record andView Orders from a Customer Record

Active Carts Tab

Use the Active Carts tab to view the state and the results of a customer's shopping experience. This tab has two sections. The first, the Shopping Cart section, contains information about the items added to the customer's active cart. The second lists items that were added to saved carts, such as a wish list, for example.

The Active Carts tab contains the following controls and commands:



Shopping Cart section

Contains information about current active shopping carts.


The scope of the cart. Carts listed are those associated with the current scope and any related child scopes.


The date on which the cart was created. Carts are sorted by descending creation date.


The total number of items.


The estimated total price of the cart, including discounts.

Other Carts

Contains information about named versions of the customer's shopping carts which have not been processed to become orders.


The scope of the cart. Carts listed are those associated with the current scope and any related child scopes.


The given name of the cart.


The date on which the cart was created. Carts are sorted by descending creation date.


The total number of items.


The estimated total price of the cart, including discounts.

For more information about Active Carts, see Creating Orders and Deleting a Cart.

Saved Payments tab

Use the Saved Payments tab to view a list of payment profiles associated to a Customer Record. The payment profiles shown in this tab are recorded when the credit card information is saved when paying an order.

The Saved Payments tab contains the following controls and commands:



Scope column

The scope of the Payment Provider to which the payment is associated.


The display name of the Payment Provider instance to which the payment profile belongs to.


Defines the payment profile preferences.

For more information about Saved Payments, see Set a Preferred Payment Method and Deleting a Payment Method


Managing Customers
Modify Customer Details