Viewing Products

You can view product details by using the Product Details panel in the Product Management application.

In Orckestra Commerce Cloud, you can view product lists as tiles or as a list.

Product Tiles

The product summary displayed on the product tile includes the following details by default:

a. Product selection box
b. The product workflow state.
c. The product has variants.
d. The product main image
e. Product activity status
f. Product SKU
g. Product Name
h. Product Brand

Figure 1 - Product Tile view

A Variant icon is displayed on the product tile to indicate that the product has variants.

Product List

Products are displayed as tiles by default. You can switch to the list view which displays different information

Figure 2 - Product list

a. Product selection box
b. The product main image
c. The product workflow state.
d. The product has variants.
e. Product Name
f. Current price
g. Product ID
h. Last modification date and time

Viewing product details

Click a product tile or a product in the list to display the product details panel. The product details panel includes Default Attributes, Custom Attributes, Category Associations, Relationships, Media, Variants,, Tax Categories, Prices, and Inventory.

Default Attributes tab

Default Attributes displays the following:

Main Information Displays the Product Name, Definition Name, ID, SKU, Brand, and Description.
Units Attributes Provides information about the way the product is sold. Displays the Item Format, Unit Of Measure, and Selling Method.

Figure 3 - Product Default Attributes

Custom attributes tab

Custom Attributes displays the following:

Filter Click the Filter option to search for custom attributes.
Groups Click the group name to reveal custom attributes linked to a group.

Figure 4 - Custom Attributes

For more information about attribute groups, see Modifying an Attribute Group. For more information about custom attributes, see Working with Attributes

The custom attributes that you can filter vary depending on the product definition selected to create this product.

Category Associations tab

The Category Associations tab displays the associations to category created for this product.

The list displays the category associations including the following: Default (the selected radio button identifies the default category of the product), Path, Name, Display Name.

Figure 5 - Category Associations

For more information about Category Associations, see Creating associations from a product


Relationships displays a list of relationship between this product and/or its variants.

Figure 6 - Relationships

You can sort the category associations information as required by clicking any of the column headings.

Figure 7 - Product relationships


To learn more about the media tab, see Media Management


Variants displays a list of existing variants. Clicking a variant displays the variant details panel for that variant.

Figure 8 - Variants

Tax Categories

Tax categories displays the specific tax category associated to the product and their variants.

Figure 9 - Tax category display


Prices displays the current product price and associated price list. From here, you can also access the Commerce Management application to modify prices.

Figure 10 - Viewing prices

Click the Back arrow at any time to close the product details panel and return to the product list.


Creating Products
Modifying a Product