Creating Products

A product is any item or service that you want to sell through your business model, website and stores.

In Orckestra Commerce Cloud, each product is identified by a unique identifier: the Product ID. In addition, all products share a set of common characteristics known as attributes: name, description, created date and so on. When Orckestra Commerce Cloud is configured for the first time, a deep analysis is done to map the product's characteristics and requirements. This information is then used to define a specific list of product definitions, a template, for each product types. The product definitions also includes variant attributes to define unique versions of products.

Example, a winter coat would not share the same product attributes as summer shoes.

Best practice: Create products in the global scope catalog to push the information to child scopes. Products inheriting from the global will be updated when modifications are made in the root catalog,

You can add a product by either entering the details of the new product using a product definition or by duplicating a similar product. Products are often imported from an external system or by a manual import. However, you may require to make manual modifications when errors have slipped in the recurring product import. Note that, if you have created a product manually, you must also adjust the external system, otherwise your changes may be overridden.


Creating a product manually

Note: The new product creation flow is very different in the new Product Management application, read the steps carefully.

Tip: If you are creating a product that is very similar to an existing product, it may be easier to copy the existing product and change some of its characteristics. For more information on this procedure, instead see Duplicating a product.

1. In the catalog, select the Category in which you wish to add the product.
2. Click Add Product.
3. Select a product definition from the drop down list.

OPTIONAL: If the product contains variants, you must select a product definition in the drop down list.

4. Click Add Product.

Warning: All the fields marked with an *, are mandatory.

5. Enter a Name.
6. Enter a unique Product ID. This string cannot contain any special characters.
7. Enter values for all the required attributes in the Custom Attributes tab.
8. Click Save.

The product is now saved as a draft. However, the product is not published yet.

9. In the Category Associations tab, create one or many associations, if required.
10. In the Relationships tab, create one or many category and/or product relationships, if required.
11. In Media, enter any product variants. if required.
12. In the Tax Categories tab, select the appropriate tax category for the product or each variants.

You must enter a price before sending a product in the publication workflow. Click the Prices tab. Prices are managed in the Commerce Management application.

13. Click Prices tab.
14. Click Edit Prices. The Commerce Management application opens with the product already selected.
a. Select the Price List.
b. In the Amount field , enter a price.
c. Click Apply to selected.
d. Click Save.
15. Return to the Product Management application.
16. Follow your internal publication workflow to publish the product.

Validation takes place when the product is saved to ensure that its SKU is unique, if this feature has been activated. For more information, see Understanding Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) validation.

Result: The product is saved as a draft and will be published once the product is reviewed when a publisher approves the modifications. You can revisit the draft product using the product filters.

For more information about setting price values when creating a product or product variant, see Managing Prices and Price Lists.


Adding variants to a product
Duplicating a product
Rules of Inheritance
Moving products