Viewing Orchestration Console Users

You can use the Security Permissions page to view, modify, and search for Orchestration Consoleusers.

The Users listed in this tab are stored in the Active Directory (AD) or the Windows Azure Active Directory (Windows Azure AD) for the business domain.
Although you can create a User, you cannot modify a Group. You can only add Orchestration Console security roles to the Group.

Accessing the User Details panel:

Each User is listed with their Display name, First Name, Last Name and Username. By default, the list is sorted by Display Name.

1. Select and double-click a User.

Hiding disabled accounts:

By default, the Hide Disabled Accounts check box to the right of the Sort by drop down, is selected. When selected, only enabled accounts are returned in search results. This is because a limit is imposed on the number of User accounts which can be returned in a search query. This is useful when working with AD databases which contain a large number of Users.

When the limit is exceeded, the following message appears: More than (LIMIT) matching results. Please refine your search.

To view all accounts stored in the database, deselect the Hide Disabled Accounts check box.

Your searches will now return both enabled and disabled accounts.

If your database contains a large number of Users, make sure that the Hide Disabled Accounts check box is enabled, to ensure that only active accounts are returned in the search results.

Sorting the User list:

By default, the list of Users is sorted by their Display Name.

1. In the Users tab, select the Sort by drop down.
2. Select Username, for example.

The Orchestration Console displays the users by their display names.

Searching for a User:

1. In the Users tab search field next to the Search icon, enter a string used in any one of the names that are associated with the user you are searching for.
2. Use the Sort by drop down to select one of the User names.
3. Click the Search icon.

The Orchestration Console displays users with the matching string by the Sort by selection.


Creating Users
Modifying Users
User Details Panel