Using Excel to Update Product Prices

Should you choose to do so, you can use the Excel spreadsheet generated by the Export in the Price Update by Batch to update the prices for the products it contains.

If you know the required information about the products and variants you wish to edit, you can use an Excel file from a previous export as a template or create your own file from scratch. Make sure to provide information in the mandatory columns and respect the column header names: 

• Product ID (column B - alphanumeric characters)

• Variant ID (column C - alphanumeric characters)

• Current Price Value (column G - numbers only)

• New Price Value (column H - numbers only)

The other columns will not taken into account by the Import process.

Using Excel to update product prices

1. Locate and open the Excel document.
2. Make the required changes, using the information below as a guide.
Product ID (column B): Mandatory information to find the base product to edit.
Variant ID (column C): Mandatory information to locate the variant to edit. Leave blank if there is no variant.
New Price Value (column H): 
Entering a new price in this column will overwrite the Current Price Value in the price list upon import in the Orchestration Console.
Entering N/A in this column will remove the price assigned to this product or variant by the price list upon import in the Orchestration Console.
If you are not modifying the price of this product or variant, do not enter anything in this column.

If you are working in a Dependent scope and the Current Price Value was provided by your Sales scope, entering anything in the New Price Value column (such as a new price or N/A) will break the price inheritance for the product or variant in the selected price list when the updated Excel spreadsheet is imported. This means that, in the future, changes to this product or variant made by the Sales scope in this price list will no longer be carried over to your scope.

Current Price Value (column G):
There is no need to touch the contents of this column unless you wish to reinstate a broken price inheritance from the parent Sales Scope for this product, in this price list. To restore price inheritance, simply remove the value in this column.

Other columns are not taken into account by the Import process, however they will contain information if this file was generated through the Export feature.

3. Save the edited file on your computer.

You are now ready to import this Excel spreadsheet into the Orchestration Console. For more information about the import process, see Importing Product Prices.


Exporting Product Batches
Importing Product Prices
Managing Price Updates by Batch