Adding variants to a product

Since variants are essentially different versions of a product, they are always housed within the base product.

Note: The Variant tab only appears in the product details panel if the administrator has added variant attributes to the product definition that your product uses.

1. Open product details.
2. Click Variants tab.
3. Click Add Variant.
4. If the variant requires a different name than the base product, slide the toggle to switch between the Variant or Product attribute value.
Select the Variant setting when you want to use the variant attribute value to help you identify different versions of a product variant.
Select the Product setting when you want to fall back to the original product attribute value, if the same attribute is not defined at the variant level.

Figure 1 - Changing variant name

5. Enter a unique Variant ID.
6. Enter values in the variant attribute fields.
7. Click Create.
8. Click the toggle button to switch from inactive to Active or schedule their publication at a later time.
9. Click the Prices tab.
10. Click Edit Prices. This opens the Commerce Management application.
11. Make the necessary modifications. The default prices are required to publish the new variants. Make the changes in Commerce Management application
12. Submit or Publish the product.

Result: the new variant is available in the Order Management product list and on the web site.


Modifying Product Prices
Managing Products
Modifying a Product