Scheduling the publication of variants

There are several rules regarding the activation and deactivation a product and its variants.

The product must be active to activate its variant.
Activating a variant activates the base product if it was inactive.
The product can be active and its variants inactive. Although, none of the variants will appear on the website or in the Order Management application.
When a product is deactivated and published, all its variants are also deactivated.
When a product is activated and published, all its variants remain inactive unless you activate them individually.
When a product is scheduled for activation, all its variants remain inactive unless you activate them individually.

When the option Allow variant level override is cleared, variants cannot be activated if deactivated, deactivated if activated or scheduled.

Scheduling the variant's activation

Using this option, you can specify the variant start and/or end date.

You can either:

set the product start and end date
set the product start date with no end date
set the product end date, if already active


1. Click product details.
2. Click the Variants tab.
3. Click the scheduling activation icon that matches the variant that you wish to schedule.

Figure 1 - Schedule button

4. Click the Set with Date/Time tab.
5. Enter a Start date.

Figure 2 - Schedule Calendar

6. (OPTIONAL): Enter an End date.
7. Click Apply.
8. Click Save.
9. Publish the product following your internal publication workflow.


Activating a product
Deactivating a Product
Activating product variants
Deactivating product variants
Scheduling the Publication of products