Creating Custom Attributes

Custom attributes are characteristics of a product. They are created and defined by the Orchestration Console administrator to meet your business needs. Custom attributes can define any product or service that you want to add to a catalog.

Example: Custom attributes can be used to define sizes, colors, formats, manufacturers, etc. For a pair of shoes, you ccan create the following custom attributes: Designer, Season and Heel Height.

Custom attributes can also be used to define Meta Keywords (for SEO) or other technical customization your business may require.

However, when variants of a product exist, custom attributes are used as common characteristics of a base product. They are not used to define the uniqueness of a product and link to a SKU. To define product variants and link them to SKU, you must use Key variant attributes. For more information about creating variants, see Adding variants to a product.

Certain attributes can be set as required as part of the product definition. In this case, the field cannot be left empty - a value must be selected prior to saving the product draft.

When the value of a required attribute is left empty, an error message will appear. Provide a value to save your draft.

Tip: If the custom attribute that you want to create requires a lookup list, create the lookup first. For more information about creating lookup lists, see Creating Lookups.

To create custom attributes

1. In the Administration module, click the Custom Attributes tab.
2. Click Add Custom Attribute in the upper right corner.
3. Enter a name.
4. Enter a description. Descriptions are useful when choosing attributes for a new product definition.
5. Enter display names for each language-culture configured in Orckestra Commerce Cloud. Click Show more languages to view all available languages.
6. Under Category Type, select Base or Lookup.
7. Select the Type of attribute to ensure that the information provided is relevant. Depending on the category selected in the previous step, available types will vary.

Creating a custom attributes using a base value type

When the custom attribute is of type Base, you can choose from a list of seven value types:

Currency: Defines the currency value with a minimum, maximum and a default value.
Date/Calendar:  Defines the minimum and maximum date fields with calendar pickers.
Decimal: Defines the decimal value with a minimum, maximum and a default value.
Rich Text: Defines if the text field is unilingual or multilingual. When an attribute of this type is created, an HTML editor is available to edit and personalize content.
Text: Defines the minimum and maximum text field length and if the field is unilingual or multilingual.
Whole Number: Defines the whole number value with a minimum, maximum and a default value.
Yes/No selection: Defines yes/no choice.
8. Specify the configuration in Attribute Settings:

Note: The options in Attribute Settings depend on the Base Value Type that you have selected.

a. Group: Specifies which Attribute Group the attribute will be in. This attribute will appear under that group name in the product details.
b. Is required:  Specifies whether or not the attribute is mandatory. This setting does not apply to the Yes/No Choice type attributes.
c. Assign to New Product Definition: Specifies whether or not the attribute will be assigned to all product definitions. Choose Yes or No.
d. Assign to New Category Definition: Specifies whether or not the attribute will be assigned to all category definitions. Choose Yes or No.
e. Default Selection (Optional): Depends on the base value type selected.
f. Hide this attribute in the Orchestration Console: Specifies whether or not to hide the attribute in the Orchestration Console.
9. Click Save.

Result: A custom attribute has been created and is displayed in the Custom Attributes list. You can now use that attribute in a product or category definition as a custom attribute, as a variant or as a key variant attribute.

Note that attributes of type Currency or Date and Time, as well as lists that allow multiple selections cannot be used as key variant attributes.

Creating a custom attribute using a lookup

By selecting Lookup, the Type field will present you with a list of existing lookups. Select one.

10. Specify the following configuration in Attribute Settings:

Note: The options in Attribute Settings depend on the Base Value Type that you have selected.

a. Group: Specify which Attribute Group the attribute will be in. This attribute will now appear under that group name in the product details.
b. Is required:  Specifies whether or not the attribute will be mandatory. This setting does not apply to the Yes/No type attributes.
c. Assign to New Product Definition: Specifies whether or not the attribute will be assigned to all product definitions. Choose Yes or No.
d. Assign to New Category Definition: Specifies whether or not the attribute will be assigned to all category definitions. Choose Yes or No.
e. Type: This field cannot be edited. It displays the Lookup List.
f. Lookup Name: Displays the name of the lookup selected under Type.
g. Default Selection (Optional): Depends on the base value type selected.
h. Allow Multiple Selections: Indicates whether or not customers can select more than one item from the list.
i. Hide this attribute in the Orchestration Console: Specifies whether or not to hide the attribute in the Orchestration Console.

Result: A custom attribute has been created and is displayed in the Custom Attributes list. You can now use this attribute in a product definition as a custom attribute or as a variant. Attributes of type multi-select lookup list cannot be used as key variant attributes.


Creating Products
Modifying Lookups
Managing Product Definitions